My Class Needs (MCN) – Inquiry Tables

My Class Needs (MCN) – Inquiry Tables We are looking to enhance the learning environment at our school.  Through the charitable organization of Curriculum Services Canada, our school has registered a couple of projects with My Class Needs (MCN). Certified teachers working in Canadian publicly-funded schools can submit a proposal through the MCN website. The […]

Calling all Primary Parents

Are you looking for a way to volunteer at MJ?  Do you have about 1.5 hours/ week to help us out? Similar to the Home Reading exchange, we are looking for parents to help with the signing in and out of our Primary Math Kits. We are looking for approximately 6 volunteers to work in […]

Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation and School-Day

You may receive, or have already received an email from the Waterloo Region District School Board regarding Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation, which takes effect July 1st, 2014. Please read the information carefully and respond to the prompts in the email. Please note: this communication pertains to email addresses contained in school databases. Your continued use of […]

West Waterloo Boundary Study

Please be advised that at the May 26, 2014 Board Meeting, a boundary study for the elementary schools in West Waterloo was formally approved. This boundary study will be called the West Waterloo Boundary Study and will include: Abraham Erb PS Cedarbrae PS (for Vista Hills area of boundary) Centennial PS (for Vista Hills area of […]

Free To Be Me – Wednesday April 9

On Wednesday April 9, Mary Johnston will be celebrating International Day of Pink with a special theme of Free To Be Me! International Day of Pink began as a day to recognize that positive actions can make a difference and that each of us has something to contribute to put a stop to bullying.  In […]

Character Development Assembly

Our next Character Development Assembly will be held on Wednesday March 26th.  Our book focus for the month will be: The Little Hummingbird By Michael Yahgulanaas     Hummingbirds symbolize wisdom and courage.  The determined hummingbird challenges a raging fire that threatens the forest.  The story reminds us all that power is not always about […]

Foster Care

There is an ongoing need for more foster families in Waterloo Region.   If interested, please contact Foster Care in Waterloo Region at 519-576-0540 or

Family Health Fair

The McMaster University nursing students who have been working on a project at Mary Johnston is pleased to host a Family Health Fair event for the Mary Johnston families on Thursday March 27, 2014 from 6:30-8:00 p.m.  The event includes the YMCA hosting family zumba sessions in the gym at 6:40 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. […]

Bag 2 School

Dear MJ Families, Despite the chill still in the air and the white landscape all around us, spring is just around the corner.  This March break if you are thinking of cleaning out your closets, please consider keeping your items until April when we’ll hold our Bag2School clothing drive.  Items that can be included in […]

S.T.E.A.M. Fair – Tuesday March 4

Mary Johnston Public School’s S.T.E.A.M Fair (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Fair) Tuesday, March 4th, 6:30 to 8:00pm Everyone welcome at this fun event – come check out the great projects! **For Participants in the Fair**:  Projects should be brought in to the gym for set up before school on the morning of March 4th, […]

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