Seussical – Wow, what a show. Last week’s performances of Seussical were simply spectacular! Your children are so talented, hard-working and passionate about singing, dancing and acting.  As Mrs. Schatz said in her thank you speech, “this was an incredible situation where one-hundred percent of MJ staff gave their all to help make this production happen”. A HUGE THANK YOU also goes out to SJAM High School. Our students loved connecting with this amazing bunch of talented teens.  Thank you to everyone for supporting Mrs. Schatz in this endeavor, we loved performing for you.

Book Fair – The Scholastic Book Fair will be open this week, April 10-12,  in the Library Learning Commons; Monday-Tuesday, 10am-7pm, Wednesday 10am-2:45pm.  Any profits made will be used to buy new books for the library.

Spring Cleaning – Please check out the lost and found video on our Twitter feed. We have many, many black snow/splash pants, hoodies, mitts and hats. All items will be donated this Thursday.

Walk to School – It’s that time of year! Please encourage your children to walk, bike or scooter to and from school. We are an official “Walk to School” Neighbourhood!

Parking – We continue to have parking issues… sigh…   It’s simple: there is NO student drop-off or pick-up in the parking lot – there is NO student drop- off or pick up in the bus zone on Brynhurst. Read the signs and follow the rules. Thank you to the many adults who consistently follow the rules. We appreciate you.

Healthy Relationships  – Resilience

From “Be a Guide” chapter:

“When something goes wrong, he gets discouraged and gives up. What can I do to help him bounce back?”

Resilience is the ability to “bounce back” after disappointments. It is about learning what went wrong, gaining strength from setbacks, and trying again. Children can learn to become more resilient through their experiences. We cheer them on when we teach them that failures are simply part of the learning and growing process.

As they learn from their setbacks, children become more resourceful, self-confident, and resilient. Failures are not failures at all, but are part of the learning process we all go through. Be sure to be there after setbacks, but try not to rush to help.

At any time, to read the full healthy relationships booklet, you can go to:

Each week, until June, you will see a “Healthy Relationships” post from the posted document. We have received great feedback from parents who have taken the time to play last week’s facial expression game J