Foster Care

There is an ongoing need for more foster families in Waterloo Region.   If interested, please contact Foster Care in Waterloo Region at 519-576-0540 or

Family Health Fair

The McMaster University nursing students who have been working on a project at Mary Johnston is pleased to host a Family Health Fair event for the Mary Johnston families on Thursday March 27, 2014 from 6:30-8:00 p.m.  The event includes the YMCA hosting family zumba sessions in the gym at 6:40 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. […]

Bag 2 School

Dear MJ Families, Despite the chill still in the air and the white landscape all around us, spring is just around the corner.  This March break if you are thinking of cleaning out your closets, please consider keeping your items until April when we’ll hold our Bag2School clothing drive.  Items that can be included in […]

S.T.E.A.M. Fair – Tuesday March 4

Mary Johnston Public School’s S.T.E.A.M Fair (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Fair) Tuesday, March 4th, 6:30 to 8:00pm Everyone welcome at this fun event – come check out the great projects! **For Participants in the Fair**:  Projects should be brought in to the gym for set up before school on the morning of March 4th, […]

Rise to Success: Supporting Your Child in School PIC Event

There is an upcoming PIC event for parents, entitled Rise to Success: Supporting Your Child in School, to be held at Bluevale Collegiate on Saturday, April 12, 2014. This event will include a keynote speaker, Michael Reist, and various workshops for parents. Childcare is available and the event is free. We have attached the flyer […]

MJ Supports our Athletes in Sochi

Our students have been celebrating every part of the Winter Olympics with all the athletes who are competing in Sochi.  Our staff and students have created a video “MJ Has What it Takes” and have shared it with the Canadian Olympic Committee and our Canadian Athletes in Sochi.  The video is posted on the official […]

MJ Character Development Update

This month, the staff and students at Mary Johnston are excited to be focusing on the positive character attributes and values of our Olympic athletes. Students participated in an exciting and memorable MJ Opening Ceremonies assembly on February 7th which highlighted the dedication, hope and perseverance it takes to be an Olympian! The Olympic values […]

Healthy Living Survey

Mary Johnston P.S. has partnered with MacMaster University to host 4 university students in their third year of nursing.  They are working on developing a Health Fair at our school at the end of March.  The Health Fair will involve healthy nutrition and family oriented activities. The students have put together a brief survey to […]

A message about Skating

The Board is always reviewing policies and procedures and we have just received a directive from the Board regarding skating activities.  All staff and students must wear a CSA approved helmet. Effective immediately, all students and staff  involved in skating activities during school and Board-related events are required to wear Canadian Standards Association (CSA)-approved head […]

Ski and Snowboard Club

We are able to confirm that the Ski & Snowboard Club evening that was cancelled on January 23 due to the weather has been rescheduled for FEBRUARY 13.

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