Happy Spring! It seems that the nice weather may actually arrive! Students are absolutely LOVING the warmth.

Centennial P.S. – has invited our community to join them for a workshop on Internet Safety. Please join us on Wednesday May 8th at 6:30 PM at Centennial P.S. (W) for our Window into Wellbeing Parent Seminar.  This is brought to you by our School Council and funded by the Parents Reaching Out Grant.  This Window into Wellbeing will focus on Student Wellbeing in the Digital Age.  Cat Coode from Binary Tattoo will provide information on how to safely navigate the internet.  Please see the flyer below for registration information.



Volunteer Celebration – We are so grateful and thankful for all of our Volunteers. It does take a village, and the MJ community continually steps up to help in any way possible. Please join us on Friday, May 17th from 8:15- 9:10am in the Library. Our Kodaly Choir will entertain you and our staff will treat  you to delicious snacks. Our older students will look after your little ones so that you can have a chance to enjoy your visit. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we couldn’t do what we do without our volunteers.

MJ Website Calendar – Thanks to Mrs. Devereaux the calendar tab on our website has be functional and updated on a weekly basis. You will be able to see the pertinent activities that your child(ren) are involved in. Thank you Mrs. Devereaux.

Classes for the 2019-2020 school year – At this time of year we start to create classes for the next school year, despite so many unknown factors. When putting classes together, we focus on creating groups that are balanced on academic and social needs and the numbers of boys and girls. We do not able to take teacher requests but if you feel there is additional information about your child that we should be made aware of, please do so in writing, to Mrs. Bileski by May 24th. Please do not send an email; in this case paper is required!

No Dogs on the Property – Thank you to the families who keep their pets on the sidewalk while dropping off and picking up their children. We ask that all parents follow this expectation. We love your pets, but hope that you understand that this is a WRDSB expectation to ensure safety for all.