Character Development Assembly – October 8th

We will be holding our second character development assembly of the year.  The character attributes that we will be focussing on this time are kindness, cooperation and social responsibility.  The book that we will be using and sharing with the students is, “Is There Really a Human Race” by Jamie Lee Curtis. There will be […]

Kindergarten Home Reading

Kindergarten Home Reading Night We are pleased to announce the upcoming launch of our Home Reading Program! This Program helps children develop confidence and improve their reading skills, while spending time each night reading with their parents. Every day, students may exchange a book from the Home Reading collection in the school library. The books […]

Terry Fox Run

Mary Johnston staff and students will be participating in our annual Terry Fox Run on Monday October 7 during periods 7 & 8.  The attached message went home to each family with information about our Run and Fundraiser. Terry Fox Run 2013

School Photos

The Lifetouch photo proofs have been received and are being sent home with the students. If your family would like to order photos of your children, please complete the order form in the proof package and return it, along with the payment to your child’s homeroom teacher by OCTOBER 2.  Packages ordered at this time […]

MJ’s 2013 Magazine Fundraising Campaign kicks off October 4

Magazine subscription renewals have been pouring in to households all around as we are coming up on our annual Magazine Fundraising Campaign.  Last Fall MJ’s students, parents and community sold over $32,000 in magazine subscriptions – for the 4th year in a row (WOW!) – again raising $10,000 for school projects! This year’s campaign is set to kick […]


This year, we will post on our website the many activities with which students can become involved at Mary Johnston P.S. We ask parents to encourage and support their children becoming involved at school. Please note that there are many other staff members who are helping with the activities. The names you see are the […]

Curriculum Night

Our Curriculum Night is being held Thursday September 5 (tonight) from 5:30pm to 7:00pm.  You are invited to attend Mr. Tinnes’ presentation to our school families at either 5:30pm or 6:00pm; classroom visits will follow his presentation. See you tonight!

Welcome Back!

Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that we are ready to begin another school year at Mary Johnston P.S. The staff have been busy getting their classes ready for next Tuesday morning. Student should arrive by 8:45 a.m. Teachers will meet their students at the back of the school. Teachers will be carrying a […]

School Council Meeting

Our next School Council Meeting is being held Wednesday, June 19th at 7:00 p.m.  The agenda is available in the School Council Agenda’s in the side menu.  See you there!

2013/14 Grade 6 Camp Information Meeting

To all the parents of current Grade 5 students: We will be having the 2013-14 Grade 6 Camp Meeting on Tuesday June 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the library.  As well, we are offering another opportunity to remit a payment on School-Day.  Please sign in at for the option to either pay a second installment or […]

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