This month, the staff and students at Mary Johnston are excited to be focusing on the positive character attributes and values of our Olympic athletes. Students participated in an exciting and memorable MJ Opening Ceremonies assembly on February 7th which highlighted the dedication, hope and perseverance it takes to be an Olympian!

The Olympic values are Excellence, Fun, Fairness, Respect, Human Development, Leadership and Peace. If you would like to read more about the values, you can check out:

MJ families are encouraged to get involved in the Olympic spirit by watching events together and discussing the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them. It is also a great opportunity to reflect on learning from mistakes and maintaining a positive attitude.

These recommended readings can help to spark discussions at home:

Bobsleigh Jellybeans

bobsleigh jellybeans

By Paul & Talya Shore

“It’s a lighthearted book about friendship, team-work, imagination and following your dreams,” Talya Shore.

 Long Shot: Never too Small to Dream Big

Long shot

By Chris Paul

Everybody told Chris that he was too small to play basketball. But he ignored them all…because he had big dreams. And, he loved the game.