Dear Parents and Guardians,

Interviews form a vital part of the on-going communication between home and school concerning the progress of our students. This year there is a P.D. day set aside for parent-teacher interviews. Teachers will be arranging their own interviews, either before or after school, on an individual basis.

We will continue with our past practice in offering parents a variety of options to meet with the child’s teachers for an interview. The teachers will be setting up interview time slots during the week of November 3-7. If a parent is unable to meet during the teacher’s available times, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher to request an interview at a mutually agreed upon time.

This year we are booking interviews through School-Day.   Parents are asked to log onto your School-Day account and book the interviews with your student’s homeroom teacher. If you do not have a School Day account, please contact the school and we will help you create an account or book you a time with the homeroom teacher.

If you have any questions about interviews, please contact me at the school.


Helmut Tinnes
