Seussical Presale Ticket Order Forms are available for our lead cast and tech crew members (these are for our junior students with lead roles or who belong to our backstage tech crew) and are due to Mme. Hutton by Tuesday, February 21st. These students have received a green order form two weeks ago.

Regular ticket sales will be open to the public (this includes Seussical Choir members) beginning Mon., Feb. 27th until Thurs., Mar. 2nd.

A yellow Ticket Order Form with details about the ticket sale dates and times will be coming home with every student this week. Please bring (or send it with your child) your money and order form to any of the before school, after school or First Nutrition Break, ticket sale times. Teachers and the office will NOT be collecting money and order forms. All tickets must be purchased at our Ticket Booth which will be set up in the main foyer during the Ticket Sales week.

Ticket Sale Week: Mon, Feb. 27 -Thurs March 2.

Before school: 8:45-9:00

Nutrition Break: 11:10-11:30

After School: 3:30-4:00

Thank you for your support,
The Seussical Production Team