At the WRAPC January meeting, there were various presentations regarding special education.  If you are interested in viewing the full presentation slides please contact the office and we will send you the full powerpoint.

Presentation #3 – by Scott Miller, Superintendent of Student Achievement and Well-being with responsibility for Special Education

* All schools have student support teams who are involved when students access special education supports.

* Central staff from the WRDSB will get involved in supporting student support teams on multi-disciplinary teams.

* Special education support is provided in tiers in our board.

Tier 1 – differentiated instruction provided in the classroom with school Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT) involved.

Tier 2 – student remains within the classroom, but greater supports are provided including Central board staff from like consultants, psychologist, social worker.

Tier 3 – congregated programming like learning disabled, life skills, enrichment

* Within an Individual Education Plan (IEP) students can have accommodations (teaching strategies, supports and/or services to enable students to demonstrate learning), modifications (changes made to grade level expectations for a subject to meet the needs of the student) and programs and courses with alternative expectations (learning related to skill development in areas not within the Ontario curriculum).

Presentation #4 – by  Angela Sider, Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)

* SEAC makes recommendations to the board about matters related to the establishment and development of special education programs and services for students with exceptional needs.  Membership includes community associations representing students with special needs, other community organizations, staff and trustees.

* Members of the public can attend observe meetings.  Upcoming topics include: mental health, transition planning, Special Education budget, EQAO, IPRC process, staff training, special education plan review.  Call 519-570-0003 ext 4235 if you are interested in attending a WRAPSC meeting.