January 23rd, 2015
Students will be attending an assembly on Friday afternoon on the theme, “At MJ we are all like snowflakes…..each unique and special”. Students will be listening to the story of The Boy with Pink Hair. Following the assembly, students will be returning to their classrooms with their buddies and creating their own unique snowflake.
Outlined below is a synopsis of the book that was read to the children. Please take a few moments this week and talk to your children about what the learned from the assembly. We have provided for you 3 guiding questions to start the conversation.
The Boy with Pink Hair: By Perez Hilton
The Boy with Pink Hair was born that way, and people were really surprised! When he starts school, he is teased because he is different, but when plans for a spaghetti dinner on parent day fall through, the Boy with Pink Hair comes to the rescue with his unique abilities. His talent at making amazing pink food and getting everyone to help saves the day, challenging stereotypes about what it means to be a boy or a girl and showing that anyone can make a difference in their school or community.
- What makes you unique?
- What can we do to help people who are teased or bullied by others?
- What does it mean to be a boy or a girl?