January 16th, 2015
Hello and Happy New Year!
On behalf of the School Council, we wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to those of you who participated in the survey that was sent out in October pertaining to School Council related matters. Your comments were much appreciated and have provided us with new topics for consideration. Many of you requested that in your absence or your unavailability that periodic feedback and emails would be appreciated. An effort will be made to figure out the logistics of how this will look in addition to the minutes posted on the MJ website.
Based on the results, we recognize your perceptions on fundraising initiatives. This topic will be covered in next week’s Council meeting and it is important that we decipher school fundraising events from school council fundraising events. We will be seeking volunteers to help establish an “appropriate number” of school council fundraising events (typically there have been 3-4 a year) which are fun and meaningful throughout the school year. If you are creative or organized or just want to be involved, please either send Tracey or I an email if you are unavailable to make this month’s Council Meeting (lorie.mcmahon@wrdsb.on.ca or tracey.weigand@wrdsb.on.ca).
The agenda for the upcoming meeting on January 21 can be found http://mjp.wrdsb.ca/school-council/school-council-agendas/
Minutes from the last meeting can be found http://mjp.wrdsb.ca/school-council/school-council-minutes/
Information from the PIC (Parent Involvement Committee), including a flyer for a Case Study of Seamless Early Learning, can be found http://mjp.wrdsb.ca/school-council/parent-involvement-committee-pic/