Our MJ School Council Meeting is this evening in the library.  The meeting begins at 7:00 with refreshments available at 6:30.  The agenda, along with information from WRAPSC and PIC, can be found on our School Council Agenda Page (http://mjp.wrdsb.ca/school-council/school-council-agendas/).

At the meeting this evening, time during the agenda has been made for the Traffic Bylaw Officer.  As  you are aware, we have had many concerns with parents who are parking illegally in front of the school both before and after school.  Despite many pleas from the school asking for the cooperation of parents, many parents are still not adhering to the traffic laws of the road. In response to this situation, we have invited the Waterloo Bylaw Officer responsible for issuing parking tickets to talk to the school council and any/all parents who are interested in hearing from him at tonight’s meeting (Wednesday from 7:00 – 7:30 pm).  He will present a proposal to help alleviate the problem as well as answer any questions that parents may have.  We encourage all parents to attend.