Terry Fox Run – Tomorrow – Friday, September 26 – 2:30-3:30 p.m.

We will be holding a special assembly tomorrow afternoon where we will be talking about the Terry Fox Run and the importance of cancer research.  The assembly will consist of a message about Terry Fox and his legacy as well as having some of our staff dying their hair pink or having their heads shaved, followed by our run/walk around the school.

Talking about cancer is a very sensitive topic for many of the students.  Many of them, along with the adults, have been touched by cancer in our lives.  We will be showing a 6 minute video where 5 students and young adults talk about how they found out that they had cancer and survived as a result of the efforts of people donating to cancer research.  The video is quite appropriate for viewing of all ages.

We ask that you have an age appropriate conversation with your children tonight.  We don’t know the depths of the impact on children when we begin the conversation about cancer, death and dying.  Answer their questions honestly.  Provide enough information to satisfy their curiosity and concerns.

We want to thank all of you for the donations to the Terry Fox Foundation for cancer research.  All the money that is donated will be given to the Terry Fox Foundation on behalf on Monica Hein, a teacher at our school who is battling breast cancer at this time.

We invite all of you to join our run/walk that will begin around 2:50 p.m.  Please remain outside until the children come out for the run.  The run will take place for approximately 30 minutes when all of the children need to return to their classrooms to pick up their planners and knapsacks in time for dismissal.

Thank you again for your ongoing support of our school and its initiatives.

Helmut Tinnes, Principal