Dear Parents and Guardians.

On Friday September 26, 2014 our entire school community will be celebrating the life and legacy of a Canadian icon, Terry Fox. Many of us can vividly recall the day when a young 21 year old Terry Fox decided that he would attempt to run across Canada in the hopes of raising awareness and funding for Cancer research. What made this run so heroic was the fact that Terry himself had recently battled the terrible disease, and was left with only one leg as a result of that early battle.

A courageous and determined Terry, making his way step by step, would cover over 3,300 miles across our wonderful country touching the hearts and minds of many Canadians. Unfortunately on September 1, 1980 in Thunder Bay, Ontario Terry’s run would come to an end as the cancer once again returned to his body. On June 28, 1981 at the age of 22, our country mourned the death of Terry Fox and has since been committed to never letting his memory or mission go in vain.

Terry’s goal was simple, to have every Canadian donate $1.00 for Cancer research, a goal which was surpassed shortly after his death. Since his death Terry’s goal has continued to touch the hearts and minds of not only Canadians, but also people from all over the globe, all with the hopes of finding a cure for cancer. To date over $500 million dollars has been raised for cancer research in the name of Terry Fox.

We at Mary Johnston Public School also believe strongly in Terry’s goal, and are fully committed to helping in finding a cure for this disease. Last year our school raised $2,000 for this worthy cause and is looking forward to trying to surpass our total from last year. Beginning on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 we will be asking students to bring in a donation that will be collected by their teachers. Any amount of money received will be collected and donated to the Terry Fox Foundation.

Terry Fox Foundation. On Friday September 26, 2014 during periods 7 and 8 of our school day we are asking students to help us move closer towards Terry Fox’s goal by continuing to bring in a financial donation and participating in our school’s annual Terry Fox Run, Let us all remember Terry’s legacy and help to find a cure for cancer.

Thank you.

Mary Johnston Staff and Students.