At this time of year we invite parents to join our School Council.  The School Council regulation under the Education Act came into effect which sets out specific requirements regarding some of the duties and mandate of a School Council.  One of them is that parents must be informed about possible school council elections.  In the past, Mary Johnston School Council has not needed an election of school council members, but we have benefited immensely from the work of the people who have volunteered to participate in School Council activities.

We want to invite you to complete the nomination/declaration form if you are interested in joining our School Council.  We meet approximately once a month for an hour and a half, every third Wednesday in the month.  The first meeting for the 2014-15 school year is September 17, 2014 at 7:00 pm.  The meetings are open to all parents, and dates are published in the School Council section of the Mary Johnston website.  If you are interested in becoming more involved in your child’s school, please consider becoming a Mary Johnston School Council member.

Please sign and return the form to the office before September 17, 2014.  If you would like more information about our school council please contact me at the school.

school council nomination election form 2014


Helmut Tinnes, Principal