May 13th, 2019
School Council
Please join us at this week’s School Council Meeting. We will be hearing from the MJ facilities manager as we investigate the purchase of a new school sign. We will hear further details, information and quotes on replacing the school sign. This is a big commitment from Council and the community, so come on out to have your voice heard. We will be voting on a motion to move forward with the purchase of a new sign.
School Council Agenda May 2019
School Council Minutes April 2019
Save the Date: Wednesday June 19th (5pm to 8pm) Dinner and a Movie
You are all invited to this fantastic community building event. The schoolyard will be set up with activities for the kids. In the gym we will have our very popular Cake Walk and Class Baskets will be on display, so you can purchase tickets and try to win one to take home.
Dinner can be bought at one of the Food Trucks (Fo’Cheezy & The Wild Boar) or from Gino’s from 5pm to 7pm with a percentage of the money spent coming back to MJ. You are also free to bring your own picnic dinner or join us after dinner.
Finally, the Movie will start at 6:45 in the gym! We will be selling candy, chips, freezies, and water for those looking for a little treat.
All funds raised will go towards some of the initiatives we support such as new technology, the Home Reading Program, Math Kits, Buses for Field Trips, gym equipment, playground enhancement and Grade 6 Graduation and more!
For more information or to volunteer to help set up/sell tickets/hand out treats (any amount of time is appreciated); please reach out to us at Also watch for flyers going up around the school to get everyone excited!
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on June 19th.